by Robert Metz – March 1992
In the wake of its dismal record in office capped by London South MPP David Winniger’s public statement that “morals and ethics” should not be a consideration in the establishment of government-run gambling casinos, there has been much doubt expressed recently in the media about whether or not the NDP has betrayed its “socialist principles.”
Far from it. In fact, Winniger’s statement is possibly the best evidence one could ask for to demonstrate his deep commitment to socialist principles. Winniger, like socialist University of Western Ontario law professor Rob Martin, a former NDP candidate whose April 29 London Free Press editorial accused the NDP of abandoning its commitment to “eradicating capitalism:, are so far removed from the concrete reality of their own beliefs that one cannot help but be amazed by their inability — or refusal — to see the obvious.
Under any social system where the ends justify the means — as is particularly the case with socialism — morals and ethics simply don’t count. Socialist “principles” demand that morals (freedom of choice, individual responsibility) and ethics (honesty, values, standards of conduct) be abandoned. After all, under socialism, the “common good” — or some other variant of a politically-defined collective purpose — is what counts. When self-proclaimed socialists like Rob Martin try to convince us that the NDP has “mislaid its socialist principles”, what they’re really trying to do is distance themselves from the obvious and inevitable consequences of their own philosophies.
In the primary purpose of socialism is, as Martin insists, to “eradicate capitalism,” then socialism isn’t even a “system” at all, it’s institutionalized anarchy. And if one supports the “eradication of capitalism,” then one must, by definition, support the eradication of private property, the eradication of economic competition, the eradication of personal choice, and the eradication of virtually every principle on which a free society is based. Should it be at all surprising when David Winniger says that he doesn’t think “ethics or morals should enter into it?”
So while steadfast advocates of socialism like Rob Martin anxiously await its arrival, socialism has already run its course in Canada. Says Martin: “Our economy is in worse shape than for nearly 60 years. Our manufacturing sector has been dismantled, our social system is being shredded, our political institutions have lost much of their legitimacy and our federation may disintegrate.”
Sounds very much like another great failed socialist experiment better known as the Soviet Union. And, like Canada, the Soviet Union has its own fair share of Rob Martins’ who apologize for socialism by arguing that the government of the day :just didn’t do it right.” It was Lenin’s fault, you see. Leninism wasn’t what Karl Marx had in mind.
Maybe not. But socialism is force, and the only guaranteed outcome of its use is the very “poverty and oppression” that socialists falsely believe can be “eradicated” along with capitalism. Socialists love telling us about their wonderful plans to do away with capitalism. What they hate admitting is that socialism is completely dependent on capitalism for its parasitic existence.
If it weren’t for capitalism, there would be no “profits” to tax (i.e. take by force), no wealth to “redistribute” (i.e. take by force from Peter to pay Paul). As the capitalist base in Canada has been eroded by socialists of all parties, we have now reached the point where the parasite is killing its host.
Increasing taxes, increasing deficits, increasing poverty, tax revolts, cross-border shopping, increasing bankruptcies, businesses leaving the country, underground economies, constitutional dilemmas, a break down of law and order — these are just a sampling of the kinds of problems socialist nations the world over have had to contend with. And now Canada, which has become far more socialist than capitalist, must contend with these problems too.
It seems to me that Bob Rae is doing an excellent job of “eradicating capitalism,” so let’s not criticize him for failing to do that. But let’s not give him all the credit, either. His socialist soulmates in municipal, federal, and provincial governments — from all major parties — have done more than their fair share in helping to “eradicate capitalism” from the Canadian mosaic.
About the only ‘good’ thing that could be said about the death of capitalism in Canada is that if and when capitalism dies, so will socialism.
But then what? {end}
– Robert Metz Consent #16 March-April-May 1992