by Robert Metz – March 1992

“Too many doctors!” say Canada’s provincial health-care ministers. Ridiculous. There’s no such thing as “too much” of anything that people want or need. When supply exceeds demand, prices go down and eventually supply will find its optimum level accordingly. That’s good. Unfortunately, under socialized medicine, the price of visiting a doctor or hospital is already zero and can’t go down any further. That’s bad.
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by Robert Metz – January 1992

Many Ontarians have sensed something sinister about the Rae government’s recent dropping of the allegiance to the Queen by police officers. Unfortunately, few have been able to identify the source of their fears — fears which are well-founded since the issue at stake is far more significant than we have been led to believe, or perhaps, find difficult to believe. Indeed, the change of allegiance is yet another tragic reminder that the Rae government is intent on ruling, and not on governing.
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by Robert Metz – February 1990

Rather than offer a rational defence for the system of governance we have come to know as “democracy”, most of its supporters merely end up apologizing for it. Fundamentally, their arguments all boil down to this: “What — in practice, not in theory — works better than democracy?” as if their inability to consider viable alternatives somehow constitutes an intellectual defence. But for those who ask, my answer is simply this: a social system under which individuals can freely exercise their freedom of choice, and where that freedom of choice is protected (by law!) from majority rule, not made subservient to it.
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by Robert Metz – January 1989

The spring of 1989 saw a truly hopeless spectacle: hundreds of marchers trekking from Windsor to Queen’s Park in Toronto in what was being billed a “March Against Poverty”. Their objective? To persuade the Peterson government to increase its spending on social welfare programs in an attempt to “eradicate” poverty.
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by Robert Metz – December 1988

Free trade, or not free trade, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The joy and pride while creating outrageous fortunes,
Or to take arms against a sea of “money grubbing” Yanks,
And by opposing end them. To socialize, to trade –
No more; and by socialize to say we end
The risks, and the responsibilities
That freedom is heir to. ‘Tis a consummation
Devoutly wished by Mel Hurtig – to be free, to trade –
To be free, perchance to take risks, ay there’s the rub;
For in being nationalists what risks we take
In isolating ourselves must give us pause – there’s the respect
That makes calamity of free trade.
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by Robert Metz and Marc Emery  –  December 1988

If we were to redefine “democracy” as “a road to inevitable total state control”, we know that most of you would probably cringe at the suggestion.
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by Marc Emery and Robert Metz – September 1988

What is “democracy”?

Contrary to popular belief, “democracy” is not necessarily compatible with freedom! In fact, today’s “democracies” may soon represent as great a threat to individual freedom as any dictatorship in the past ever has.

In determining the value of the process we call “democracy”, it is essential that we first determine what the legitimate role of government is, and most importantly, what the rights of individuals are.
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by Robert Metz – January 1988

The following article originally appeared in the Fall 1983 edition of the London MetroBulletin. Though many Ontarians may already have forgotten about BILL DAVIS, the past leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party which held the reins of power for 42 consecutive years, it will not be as easy to forget or ignore the consequences and effects of his party’s political philosophy.
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by Robert Metz – January 1988

One of the greatest philosophical questions facing individual citizens in any free society is: Where do we draw the line on individual freedom?
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